Central and Eastern Europe, Diplomacy, International Journalism and PR, Tourism, Video

Love is the Key to Life: Opening of the Exposition Keys at the Embassy of the Republic of Kosovo

On 12 December the Ambassador of Republic of Kosovo to the Kingdom of the Netherlands H.E. Ms. Vjosa Dobruna welcomed guests to the opening of the exhibition of figurative art works by Ejup Deari entitled Keys.
Ejup Deari is an Albanian artist from Macedonia born on 12-9-1984. He studied Graphic Design entitled “educator in fine arts: graphics ” at the University of Tetova. ”When a human being is born and comes to this world he/she comes because of a very beautiful reason: LOVE. Love is the key to life”; the author of the exhibition said.

Ambassador Dobruna added that love also had opened the hearts and houses in the city of Tetova and around Macedonia for more than 360.000 refugees of Kosovo during the war.

Watch the speech and short impression from the exhibition here:


The exhibition was attended by many guests including H.E. Ms Andrea Gustović – Ercegovac, Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia to the Kingdom of the Netherlands, H.E., Ms Mirsada Čolaković, Ambassador of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Kingdom of the Netherlands, H.E., Ms Adia Sakiqu Ambassador of the Republic of Albania to the Kingdom of the Netherlands. H.E. Mr Robert Bosch, who was among others Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Kosovo.

More information about Ejup Deari is available here: http://deari-art.com/about%20me.html

Photos and text: Communications-Unlimited.nl

H.E. Ms. Vjosa Dobruna, Ambassador of the Republic of Kosovo to the Kingdom of the Netherlands with Mr. Ejup Deari


With H.E. Ms. Vjosa Dobruna, Ambassador of the Republic of Kosovo to the Kingdom of the Netherlands

With, on the left: H.E. Ms Andrea Gustović – Ercegovac, Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia to the Kingdom of the Netherlands, on the right: H.E., Ms Mirsada Čolaković, Ambassador of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Kingdom of the Netherlands


With H.E., H.E. Ms Andrea Gustović – Ercegovac, Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia to the Kingdom of the Netherlands