Central and Eastern Europe

Visit of the Head of the Trade and Investment Promotion Section of the Polish Embassy in the Hague

On the 3rd of February Mr Tomasz Wazbinski, Head of the Trade and Investment Promotion Section of the Polish Embassy in the Hague visited the City of Maastricht,  the Maastricht Institute for Central and Eastern Europe ( MICEE ) and Zuyd University of Applied Sciences.


Mr Tomasz Wazbinski was welcomed by Mr Ton Wanders Head of International & Public Affairs at Municipality of Maastricht and Ms Beata Bruggeman-Sekowska, a member of the board of the Maastricht Institute for Central and Eastern Europe. They discussed the possibilities of further cooperation in the fields of business, education/science and culture.

Then Mr Tomasz Wazbinski and Ms Beata Bruggeman-Sekowska provided presentation on the Dutch-Polish trade ties at the department of International Business of Zuyd University during the International Week event.



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