Central and Eastern Europe, International Journalism and PR

Slovenia among the top 10 countries in the gender equality ranking

World Economic Forum published its annual report concerning gender equality. The Global Gender Gap Report benchmarks 144 across four thematic dimensions: Economic Participation and Opportunity, Educational Attainment, Health and Survival, and Political Empowerment. In addition, this year’s edition also analyses the dynamics of gender gaps across industry talent pools and occupations.


The first five countries which scored the highest in the ranking are: Iceland, Norway, Finland, Rwanda and Sweden. The highest occupied position by the CEE countries is number 7 by Slovenia. Other CEE countries scored as follows in the first 75 countries: Bulgaria 18, Latvia 20, Belarus 26, Lithuania 28, Moldova 30, Estonia 37, Albania 38, Poland 39, Serbia 40, Kazakhstan 52, Croatia 54, Romania 58, Ukraine 61, Bosnia and Herzegovina 66, Macedonia FYR 67, Russian Federation, 71, Slovak Republic 74.

The Netherlands scored 32, which is a substantial drop from the 16th position last year.

In particular, in the economic and political field, the Netherlands performs less well than a year ago, the researchers say. Thus, the income gap between men and women has risen and the “political emancipation” has deteriorated. With that last, the World Economic Forum is targeting the number of female ministers and members of the Parliament.


See a complete report here: WEF_GGGR_2017