The transformation of Parkstad and the mining era in the spotlight!Starting on September 20th, two exhibitions will be presented in SCHUNCK* that have everything to do with the past as well as the future of Parkstad Limburg: ‘IBA meets IBA Parkstad’ and ‘Werner Mantz in the Mining Region’. IBA meets IBA Parkstad is about the development of and outlook on architecture over the past 100 years using the records of previous Bau Ausstellungen that were held in Germany. At the same time these IBAs show new ways of development in terms of space and from a social point of view. This marks the current process in the Parkstad region taking shape in IBA Parkstad. The exhibition about photographer Werner Mantz shows the past industrial heritage of the Limburg Mining Region in more than 80 vintage prints.
IBA meets IBA Parkstad The exhibition IBA meets IBA Parkstad displays photographs, films, models and texts that outline the history of IBA. They explain the development of, and outlook on architecture and urbanism in general over the last 100 years.
The exhibition shows distinctly how far-reaching, inspiring and important an IBA can be for a region that faces a major development challenge. Examples such as the IBA Saxony-Anhalt, the IBA Hamburg and of course the IBA Emscher Park give an idea of how an IBA with a strong vision and organization can influence the identity of a region in transition in a positive manor. That is also the turning point of the exhibition in the Parkstad region.
In the exhibition the research done on IBA Parkstad is presented against a backdrop of certain themes and rich past experiences. Other items are based on a comprehensive analysis of the spatial interventions done in Parkstad, the bottlenecks in the region and how they were originally formed. The results of the first open call and the working method of IBA Parkstad can also be seen on display. The IBA Parkstad period will end in 2020 with an exhibition of the completed projects.
IBA stands for Internationale Bauausstellung. It is a German phenomenon that contributes to the improvement of a city or region. It is a creative approach with a proven economic boost, with a physical change in the area as a tangible result. But what is at least as important: it provides a cultural shift in thinking and working in the defined area. A renewed pride that invites to invest.
The exhibition is a collaboration between IBA Parkstad and SCHUNCK* that is on show from 19.09.2015 to 15.11.2015 in SCHUNCK* Glaspaleis in Heerlen. A special catalogue is available during the exhibition with the recordings of the research of IBA Parkstad so far.
Werner Mantz in the Mining Region The now defunct industrial heritage of the Limburg Mining Region was uniquely documented in 1938 by the photographer Werner Mantz (Cologne, 1901 – Eijsden, 1983). In that year Mantz was commissioned to photograph the various mines in South Limburg by the Limburg State Mines company (DSM).
Within the context of the Year of the Mines M2015, over 80 vintage prints are brought together for the first time in history. Mantz is known as a photographer of New Objectivity. He created images full of contrast, where tight framing combined with cinematic aspects bear witness of the mindset of progress during the mining period.
The exhibition is under supervision of curator Flos Wildschut upon the initiative of SCHUNCK* together with the foundation Stichting Erven Werner Mantz and the private foundation Werner Mantz. You can view the exhibition free of charge between September 20th to October 25th , 2015 in the SCHUNCK Collectors House, Raadhuisplein 19, Heerlen. A special photo book by Mantz will appear during the exhibition. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-
Source and Photos: Schunck Photo below: HI 3224 Nitrate Factory 1 W. Mantz
PRESS RELEASE: The transformation of Parkstad and the mining era in the spotlight!