Central and Eastern Europe, Diplomacy, International Journalism and PR

Memory, Transformation, Human Rights: Living stories from Albania

The event has been temporarily postponed due to the Coronavirus-Covid 19 regulations.

Our Central and Eastern Europe Center together with the European Institute on Communist Oppression, the Embassy of Albania in the Hague, National Museum in Tirana ”House of Leaves”, Leiden University, and the Dutch-Albanian Foundation is organizing on Friday, 3 April at the Leiden University College a unique event entitled: ”Memory, Transformation, Human Rights: Living Stories from Albania”.

The importance of Human Rights museum in accounting for political trauma is undeniable. In Albania that has been achieved  at the ‘’House of Leaves’’ National Museum, awarded the Council of Europe Museum Prize 2020. Its director will join us from Tirana to speak about the project of memorizing the abuses of the Secret Surveillance. Two witnesses, one writer and one artist will share their personal stories of totalitarian past in Albania. Together, we all invite you to join us in a conversation about political trauma, memory and transformation.

Registration is possible via the link here: https://fd7.formdesk.com/universiteitleiden/copy_of_Seminar_and_Film_Screening_200318?fbclid=IwAR39xznNsyUMaG2wHS2suALAk_uFTgaG4u43b60f1jFhxLZ2i6ssTbBAeMk