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Martin de Beer VVD party leader in Heerlen

The members of VVD  party Heerlen have appointed alderman Martin de Beer as a party leader for the municipal elections of 21 March 2018. Marc van den Berg occupies the 2nd position on the list and Ans Winkens, council member occupies the 3rd position.

Martin de Beer has been an alderman in Heerlen since 2014 on behalf of VVD and D66 for Economic Affairs, Employment, Sports and Services. He was a Heerlen City Council member and a member of the local parliament for the VVD party, too. As an alderman, Martin de Beer mainly focuses on creating more companies and more jobs. For example, in the past four years, 75 new shops, catering businesses, restaurants have been founded in Heerlen, hundreds of jobs have been created and 1,600 people have successfully been supported in finding a job.

At number two of the list of candidates is Marc van den Berg, a business real estate agent and board member of MKB-Parsktad ( association for the small and middle-sized companies ) Marc van den Berg wants to commit to the further improvement of the business climate and the contact between the municipality and entrepreneurs. He was a Heerlen City Council member for the VVD party in the period 2002-2006.

Ans Winkens is number three on the list of candidates and she is a Heerlen City Council member. Ans Winkens is a very experienced council member occupying this position since 2001. Ans Winkens is committed to the local residents, the social work field and the events in Heerlen. Ans Winkens wants to put Heerlen on the map as a pleasant living environment with good facilities for younger and older generations.

At number four is Ruud Kockelkorn, an ICT entrepreneur and former VVD council member in the period 2011-2014.

Aloys Bruggeman is number five. He is an accountant, ICT auditor , cyber security specialist and a real estate inwestor.

At number six is ​​Maicle Huver, project engineer and member of the Water Board Limburg( Waterschap Limburg).

‘Lijstduwer ‘ is a former alderman Jos Offermans from Hoensbroek.

What is worth mentioning is that on the VVD Heerlen list there are also candidates of the VVD Landgraaf (Bjorn Lambie) and VVD Brunssum (Jaimy van Dijk and Jack van Oppen). This way VVD Heerlen wants to stress that it supports  cooperation and municipal reorganization in the Parkstad region.


Translation from the official press release of VVD Heerlen in Dutch which is available here: