Netflix documentary entitled Struggle: The Life and Lost Art of Szukalski was produced by Leonardi di Caprio and directed by Irek Dobrowolski.
Leonardo di Caprio knew Szukalski since his father George and Stanislaw Szukalski were friends.
Document was filmed in Poland, Los Angeles, as well as in Chicago and Seattle. Many Poles contributed to it, which can be seen in the final credits. George di Caprio and Glenn Bray, Szukalski’s patron, art collector and illustrator as well as Szukalski himself take part in the documentary.
Szukalski was born at the end of the 19th century – in 1893 in Poland, and died in 1987, at the age of 94 in California. Szukalski was a Polish-American artist, sculptor, painter. He also developed the pseudoscientific-historical theory called Zermatism. According to Zermatism t all human culture was derived from post-deluge Easter Island. Humankind was locked in an eternal struggle with the Sons of Yeti (“Yetinsyny”), the offspring of Yeti and humans.
Szukalski’s major projects were Prometheus created for Paris in homage to the French partisans as well as the Rooster of Gaul . Glenn Bray, issued two publications: Troughful of Pearls (1980) and Inner Portraits (1982).
Watch the trailer here:
Photo: screen image: Netflix, on You Tube
Source: Netflix, Wikipedia