International Journalism and PR, Tourism

Carnaval 2017 started

Carnival has just started in the Netherlands, in its Roman Catholic parts. It is beautifully celebrated among others in Limburg, the southern part of the country. In Heerlen there are various parades organized, on Saturday starting with a unique children parade, which we witnessed followed by a grand parade on Sunday. Carnival is a festive season celebrated before the Christian season of Lent. Carnival involves a public parade, street party and people wearing special costumes, masks and make-up. The Carnival celebrations start after the mayor symbolically hands over the key to the city to Prince Carnival. For three days, the Carnival Prince has control of the city. Below you can find impression of the fantastic children parade in Heerlen, whose a proud part were children from the local schools.

And the winners of the big groups in the children parade were announced after the parade in the big carnaval tent on the Pancratiusplein ( Pancratius market ) in Heerlen.

1st prize: Primary School Tovercirkel

2nd prize: Primary School Tarcisius

3rd prize: Primary Windekind

Prince Davy the 1st ( Prins Davy 1ste ) from the CV de Spoorbuule granted our little participant of the child parade his own medal. Thank you His Excellency!

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