Central and Eastern Europe, International Journalism and PR, Tourism

Best places in the world for a night out


Daily Mail has published a ranking of the best places in the world for a night out.

The study ranks 27 countries and 47 major cities and takes into consideration five categories: the quality of the nightlife, friendliness of the locals, safety, transport and cost assessed by locals. Hamburg is on top of the list.

Amsterdam is number 5. Prague is ranked 8 and Warsaw 9 being ahead of New York which comes 10, Paris 20, Barcelona 21, London 26, Milan 32 or Rome 39.

On the lists there are also St Petersburg which is ranked 17 and Moscow 31.


See the complete ranking here: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/travel_news/article-5136095/Hamburg-ranked-best-place-WORLD-night-out.html

AïOLI Cantine Bar, Warsaw

Dekadent Restaurant, Warsaw