Central and Eastern Europe, International Journalism and PR, Tourism

Top 10 European Castles according to National Geographic


National Geographic published a list of 10 top Castles in Europe. On the list there are 5 castles from the Central and Eastern Europe.


The fairy-tale castles from the CEE region are as follows:

  1. Romania: BRAN CASTLE, BRAŞOV: believed to be the home in Bram Stoker’s Dracula.
  2. Poland: MOSZNA CASTLE: 365 room castle in Baroque, neo-Gothic and neo-Renaissance style has 99 towers.
  3. Czech Republic: PRAGUE CASTLE, PRAGUE: one of the largest castle complexes in the world at 753,473 square feet ( which equals about seven football fields).
  4. Slovak Republic: BOJNICE CASTLE, BOJNICE: most famous castle in Slovakia known for the annual International Festival of Ghosts and Spooks  held at the end of April.
  5. Hungary: BUDA CASTLE, BUDAPEST, established in the 13th century accomodates the Hungarian National Gallery and the Budapest History Museum.


Source: http://www.nationalgeographic.com/travel/top-10/europe-castles/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=Social&utm_content=link_fb20170324travel-castles&utm_campaign=Content&sf65465118=1


Photo: Moszna Castle: www.poland.travel.en


More information about Moszna Castle is available here: https://www.poland.travel/en/castles-palaces/the-castle-in-moszna