Central and Eastern Europe, Diplomacy, International Journalism and PR

Concert of Georgian famous singer Nino Katamadze on the occasion of the Independence Day of Georgia

On June 25, on the occasion of the Independence Day of Georgia, Embassy of Georgia to the Kingdom of the Netherlands organized a concert of a prominent Georgian singer Nino Katamadze and a reception at the Diligentia Theatre, The Hague.
The Independence Day celebration started with the National Anthems of Georgia and the Netherlands and continued with the opening speech by the Ambassador of Georgia to the Kingdom of The Netherlands H.E. George Sharvashidze. Ambassador talked about the friendly relations between Georgia and the Netherlands highlighting the importance of further deepening bilateral co-operation. Also his Excellency emphasized achievements and democratic reforms and European Integration progress of Georgia.
H.E. George Sharvashidze also spoke about the fight for Independence of Georgia and congratulated Georgian diaspora representatives with the Independence Day celebration.
Ambassador gave the floor to famous Georgia singer Nino Katamadze, who is one of the most acclaimed Georgian singers. An unforgettable concert was highly praised and drew a standing ovation. The event was attended by more than 500 guests, including the representatives from the Netherlands government and parliament, diplomatic missions accredited to The Hague, cultural, business sector, NGO and international organizations, media and Georgian Diaspora representatives.
The concert was followed by the official festive reception with exceptional Georgian wines and traditional delicious Georgian food.
The concert was supported by the Ministry of Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia in the framework of the project “Georgia Europe”.

Independence Day of Georgia is celebrated on May 26 in Georgia. It is a public holiday and it commemorates  the 26 May 1918 adoption of the Act of Independence, which established the Democratic Republic of Georgia after the Russian Revolution of 1917.

On this day military parades are organized, concerts, and various other ceremonies.

Photo: Ambassador of Georgia, H.E. George Sharvashidze , Embassy of Georgia in the Netherlands.

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